The show “Influences” represents a meeting point between contemporary dance and the traditional dance of minorities in Timisoara. The construction of the show is focused on contemporary dance as the main means of expression, against the background of which elements of folklore have been added.
The thematic reference for "Influences" is the spiritual connection between humans and earth. It aims to shape an archaic space from which the characters gradually break apart and start on the road to search for their own identity.
The universe created in “Influences” gradually carries the viewer through an amalgamation of images and states built on themes such as: playfulness, affection, maternal care, detachment, identity, vulnerability, death and nature.
The performance had three performances: August 11 and August 12 at the F.I.T.T. and August 13 in St. Gheorghe's Square.
Artistic team
Concept and choreography: Teodora Tudose
Dancers: Ana-Maria Banuţă, Antonia Itineanț, Marin Lupanciuc, Cătălina Oance, Teodora Tudose
Costumes: Valentin Teodorescu
Music by Sarah Mitrofan
Light design: Andrei Chifu
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The thematic reference for "Influences" is the spiritual connection between humans and earth. It aims to shape an archaic space from which the characters gradually break apart and start on the road to search for their own identity.
The universe created in “Influences” gradually carries the viewer through an amalgamation of images and states built on themes such as: playfulness, affection, maternal care, detachment, identity, vulnerability, death and nature.
The performance had three performances: August 11 and August 12 at the F.I.T.T. and August 13 in St. Gheorghe's Square.
Artistic team
Concept and choreography: Teodora Tudose
Dancers: Ana-Maria Banuţă, Antonia Itineanț, Marin Lupanciuc, Cătălina Oance, Teodora Tudose
Costumes: Valentin Teodorescu
Music by Sarah Mitrofan
Light design: Andrei Chifu
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