Fluid Layers
︎ Trailer

The main concept behind Fluid L A Y E R S is the thought as the engine of generating
meaning in relational and physical space. During the performance, the performers test their endurance by trying to create meaning beyond physical and mental limits.
“Fluid L A Y E R S” is the result of a collective process of (self)knowledge during which the performers are guided by choreographer Beatrice Tudor. The group explores different creative themes and is encouraged to discover new languages and ways to decode/raise awareness of the mechanisms behind the creation process in real time. The aim of the initiative is to form a group of performers ready to perform real time composition performances in spaces, formats and components as different as possible.
The first “Fluid L A Y E R S” performance summed up 180 minutes and meant durational a real time composition performance during which the performers had (re)defined the space using the presence of their bodies in it. The 5 performers explored the ability to create movement in real time and tried to temporarily imprint their thoughts and bodies into the given space. They oscillated between the fragility of the connections that were born (both within the group and between the individuals and space) and the desire to seize the place.
This concept premiered on 6 th May 2022, at the Centre for Project Timisoara, within the “Dancing Days with Unfold Motion & friends” initiative – a series of events with and about dance organized by Unfold Motion, under the impetus of the International Dance Day, and that took place from 29 th April to 8 th May 2022.
….The silence of thoughts (I can’t breathe, it’s super hot)….Forest full of mute animals (I’m sociable, I need people to communicate with.)….Choice (I don’t know how it feel to lose your hair, but I know how it feels to break it)….Forms…The freedom of not thinking (I can feel my disheveled thoughts, I don’t know what I’ve said)…A helping leg…Stimulus…Eye…Sway…Searching…(I feel strange-ish)….The gentle rude (everybody is panting)….We are playing…(I don’t think it’s going to end)….The bodies can collapse any t… Worms crawl, but people do too (I think I’ve made a mistake)…..(my hands had grown)
Make some room for me.
The next 4 performances took place on 14 th and 15 th May 2022 in Bucharest (throughDelazero Association), within the project developed by the Arcub Cultural Center of Bucharest - “Open streets, Urban Promenade”.
The most recent performance took place on 23 rd July 2022 in Timisoara, within the framework of the “Frames and Shapes” Summer School project, developed by the We re-create and Unfold Motion Associations.
“Fluid L A Y E R S” is the result of a collective process of (self)knowledge during which the performers are guided by choreographer Beatrice Tudor. The group explores different creative themes and is encouraged to discover new languages and ways to decode/raise awareness of the mechanisms behind the creation process in real time. The aim of the initiative is to form a group of performers ready to perform real time composition performances in spaces, formats and components as different as possible.
The first “Fluid L A Y E R S” performance summed up 180 minutes and meant durational a real time composition performance during which the performers had (re)defined the space using the presence of their bodies in it. The 5 performers explored the ability to create movement in real time and tried to temporarily imprint their thoughts and bodies into the given space. They oscillated between the fragility of the connections that were born (both within the group and between the individuals and space) and the desire to seize the place.
This concept premiered on 6 th May 2022, at the Centre for Project Timisoara, within the “Dancing Days with Unfold Motion & friends” initiative – a series of events with and about dance organized by Unfold Motion, under the impetus of the International Dance Day, and that took place from 29 th April to 8 th May 2022.
….The silence of thoughts (I can’t breathe, it’s super hot)….Forest full of mute animals (I’m sociable, I need people to communicate with.)….Choice (I don’t know how it feel to lose your hair, but I know how it feels to break it)….Forms…The freedom of not thinking (I can feel my disheveled thoughts, I don’t know what I’ve said)…A helping leg…Stimulus…Eye…Sway…Searching…(I feel strange-ish)….The gentle rude (everybody is panting)….We are playing…(I don’t think it’s going to end)….The bodies can collapse any t… Worms crawl, but people do too (I think I’ve made a mistake)…..(my hands had grown)
Make some room for me.
The next 4 performances took place on 14 th and 15 th May 2022 in Bucharest (throughDelazero Association), within the project developed by the Arcub Cultural Center of Bucharest - “Open streets, Urban Promenade”.
The most recent performance took place on 23 rd July 2022 in Timisoara, within the framework of the “Frames and Shapes” Summer School project, developed by the We re-create and Unfold Motion Associations.
Performers: Oana Antonovici, Teodor Cauș , Cristina Chiperi , Denisa Coropcă Sara
Ghilezan, Marin Lupanciuc
Concept: Beatrice Tudor
Musical composition: Andrei Chifu
Production year: 2022
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Ghilezan, Marin Lupanciuc
Concept: Beatrice Tudor
Musical composition: Andrei Chifu
Production year: 2022
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