Connecting Pleasures
︎ Trailer

“Connecting Pleasures” started as a subjective research on pleasure—as it is perceived
individually by each of us. By interviewing different people, we collected ideas that we
juggled with throughout the work process, rather letting bodies take over and process
information. The show is a personal point of view of the performers and should be
assimilated as such.
Date: 6th November
Location: Youth Centre FITT Lugoj
Choreography: Lavinia Urcan and Beatrice Tudor
Dance Company: Unfold Motion, Timișoara
Dancers / artists: Beatrice Tudor, Alexandru Pîntea, Oana Antonovici, Raul Lăzărescu,
Cristian Văduva (video artist)
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Location: Youth Centre FITT Lugoj
Choreography: Lavinia Urcan and Beatrice Tudor
Dance Company: Unfold Motion, Timișoara
Dancers / artists: Beatrice Tudor, Alexandru Pîntea, Oana Antonovici, Raul Lăzărescu,
Cristian Văduva (video artist)
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